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Derby's Childcare Directory
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Funded 2 year olds childcare > Step 1 of 1
Can I claim 2 year old funding?
The 2 year old funding is not available to everyone. To find out if you can claim 15 hours of free childcare for your 2 year old visit https://www.derby.gov.uk/community-and-living/childcare/funded-early-learning-2-year-olds/
Choose the type of provider you want to use.
Provider Type:
Day Nursery
Maintained Nursery School
Nursery Unit - Academy Schools
Pre-School Playgroup
Nursery Unit - Independent Schools
Nursery Unit - Maintained Schools
Please search below using your postcode and how far you would like to travel
Postcode: *
and Range (miles): *
Visit our Families Information Hub for more information and support (Opens in New Window)
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Find out more about the help parents can get when paying for childcare.
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