Provider Name: | Audrey Drive Children's Centre - Preparation For Parenthood - Booking Required - 3 Week Programme |
Provider Type: | Education And Training Providers |
Address: | Audrey Drive Childrens Centre, 3 Audrey Drive, Derby,DE21 4NP
Email: | audreydrive.childrenscentre@derby.gov.uk |
Telephone: | 01332 642200 |
Daily Session Times: | |
Eligibility Criteria: | - Available To All - A Universal Service
Costs: | Free |
Service Description: | Preparation for parenthood | Booking required | 3 week programme
Sessions are delivered by a Health Visitor. Topics include: infant feeding choices; safe sleep practices; emotional wellbeing and attachment to your new baby; practical aspects of preparing for your baby; baby brain development; and healthy life choices through pregnancy and beyond.
All pregnant individuals are welcome along with their partner/significant other. Please ring to book
Thursdays 16, 23 & 30 Jan 12:30-2:30pm Audrey Drive CC |
Referral Criteria: | Self Referral