Derwent Family Hub - Dads Space With Connected Perinatal Support Andderby County Community Trust

Things To Do

Access information

Derwent Family Hub,
Monmouth Street,
Derby,DE21 6BD
01332 641010
Mobile No.:
Not Available
Web Site:
Not Available
Distance From You:
Not Available
Daily Session Times:
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Available To All - A Universal Service

About the service

Service Description:
Dads Space with Connected Perinatal Support and Derby County Community Trust

Meet other dads for a relaxed chat about becoming or being a dad and have a hot drink and a biscuit or two. A friendly Peer Supporter from Connected and Lucas from Derby County Community Trust will make sure you feel welcome from the moment you walk in.

No need to book.

Thursdays 10am-12noon at Derwent Family Hub

SEND Support

Referral Criteria:
Not Available
Provider Links:
Not Available