About the service
Service Description:The Derby Manufacturing UTC will focus on a broad base of Engineering, with specialist attention being given to the areas which are applicable to local employers in the automotive, aerospace, rail and high value manufacturing sectors. The UTC will encourage learners to work independently through a range of industry endorsed projects and curriculum. Delivery and assessment will be creative with every learner engaged on an appropriate pathway to meet their career aspiration. Ultimately learners will be supported to exceed expectations and to maximise their life chances. The UTC will provide inspiration, capture aspiration and will consistently encourage ambition, whilst ensuring that learners are supported appropriately in achieving and surpassing their aims. Allied with this will be a focus on key supporting themes of enterprise, leadership and sustainability. The curriculum will provide an enriched programme which will mean more hours in the classroom and extended study time for projects.
How do we help at Derby Manufacturing UTC?
Helping your child to make progress is a partnership between home and school. The government has given schools clear guidelines on how help is given – the document is called the SEN Code of Practice.
Parents should always inform school of any known, physical, emotional or behavioural difficulties before the child enters school, so the appropriate support can be agreed and arranged.
The Local Offer and Derby Manufacturing UTC
The Student Support room is a relaxing, vibrant place for students to use at break and lunchtime should they wish to relax, reflect or catch up with work. It is also used as a base for staff with specialist knowledge Sharon Hunt: SENDCo and Ms Boyle: Teaching Assistant, from where targeted support and guidance is offered.
Facilities provided to assist access for disabled students include lifts to all floors, disabled toilets, a wet room and dedicated disabled car park spaces.
At Derby Manufacturing UTC, we pledge to respect and value every learner as an individual, irrespective of ability, race, gender or need, and to enable every learner to participate fully in all aspects of the UTC life. Where it's needed, we will adapt our environment and equipment as much as practically possible, as well as seeking specialist external advice. There is also scope to nurture and support individual talent so that each student can reach their potential and achieve their ambitions.
Student Support offer additional transition visits (should they be required); this is on top of the normal transition programme in place for Y10s and we liaise with the student’s previous school, parents and the students themselves to ensure a smooth transition to the UTC.
For the UTC’s arrangements for providing a graduated response to student’s SEND please refer to the SEND Information Report and the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Policy on the UTC website.
Who should I contact at Derby Manufacturing UTC?
Contact the Student Support Team 01332 477400 and Reception will make sure that you are put through to the correct person.
SEND support
Referral Criteria:Self Referral