About the service
Service Description:The school is an average-sized primary school with our pupils coming from a wide range of backgrounds.
The academy is part of the Landau Forte Trust.
Partnerships with Parents
At Landau Forte Academy Moorhead we firmly believe in developing a strong partnership with parents and that this will enable children and young people with SEN to achieve their potential. The school recognises that parents have a unique overview of the child’s needs and how best to support them, and that this gives them a key role in the partnership.
Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or Mrs Fiona Smith (SENCO), should you require any further information, or alternatively you can download the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 Years document
SEND support
Referral Criteria:Application Via Central School Admissions Team
Facilities:- Accessable Toilets
- Car Parking
- Level/ramped Entrance