Oakwood Junior School

Junior School

Access Information

Oakwood Junior School,
Holbrook Road,
Derby,DE24 0DD
01332 571231
Mobile No.:
Not Available
Distance From You:
Not Available
Daily Session Times:
  • Monday: 08:55 - 15:20
  • Tuesday: 08:55 - 15:20
  • Wednesday: 08:55 - 15:20
  • Thursday: 08:55 - 15:20
  • Friday: 08:55 - 15:20
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Available To All - A Universal Service

About the service

Service Description:
Oakwood Junior School is a mainstream school situated in a popular suburb of Derby. There are currently 346 pupils on role. Admissions are made through Derby City central admissions arrangements. Our school motto is: Celebrating excellence and achievement in ALL we do.
The school is on one level with two large flat playgrounds surrounded by playing fields and its own allotments. There are 13 classrooms, a library and a large hall which is used for both lunchtimes and PE.
There is also a dedicated, bespoke Learning Support Centre, in which children with additional needs are taught and supported in small groups by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), complemented by a very experienced Safeguarding and Welfare Manager who provides comprehensive social and emotional support to help pupils overcome potential barriers to learning.
The school was recently awarded the Families First Quality Award in recognition of its on-going commitment to supporting the needs of all children and their families. The school SENCO has been awarded the National SENCO Award and is also the designated Autism Champion.
We differentiate teaching and learning tasks to suit the needs of all learners. Risk assessments are written and shared with parents/carers when needed and we can write a personal evacuation plan if required. We work closely with Local Authority Specialist Teachers from the Specialist Teaching and Psychology Service (STePS) where a child has a specific need such as a Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment or Autism. We also work closely with Educational Psychologists when their advice is required.
Children are identified as having additional needs if their progress has slowed or stopped and interventions and resources put in place do not secure improvement. In accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2014, the Graduated Response of ‘assess, plan, do, review’ will be followed, a specific target plan will be written to help support development and accelerate progress and parents will be invited in to school to discuss their child’s needs.
Comprehensive transition arrangements are in place to meet the needs of pupils transferring to us from both Oakwood Infant School and other local infant schools. Pupils in Year 6 receive wide-ranging support and benefit from a full programme of induction, including visits by pupils, in conjunction with staff from their choice of secondary school.
Any pupil joining the school part way through the academic year is given additional support as required during their first term.
Full details of how we support children with additional needs can be found in our School SEND Information Report on our website. Details of the school Accessibility Plan can also be found on the website.

SEND support

Referral Criteria:
Application Via Central School Admissions Team
  • Accessable Toilets
  • Dietary Arrangements
  • Level/ramped Entrance
  • Outdoor Area
  • Wheelchair Access