Commun1ty One - Parent Champions - The Empowered Mothers Support Group

Things To Do

Access information

Pakistan Community Centre,
103 Harrington Street,
Derby,DE23 8PB
01332 891444
Daily Session Times:
  • Monday: 10:00 - 12:30
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Available To All - A Universal Service

About the service

Service Description:
EPEC - Empowering Parents, Empowering Communties at Community One

EPEC is an eight week programme designed to improve access to effective parenting support particularly for black, Asian, ethnic minority communities.

Empowered Mothers is a culturally specific, trauma informed safe space for mothers to discuss their concerns, learn tools and strategies to support their mental and emotional well being.

PParent Champions - The Empowered Mothers support group:
Session 1
Mondays 10am-12:30pm - with yoga

Session 2
Tuesdays 11am-1pm. For those who speak
English as a second language, including
Pilates session followed by the Empowered
Mothers session in Urdu, Punjabi & Mirpuri.

SEND Support

Referral Criteria:
Self Referral